I was driving on PCH in Malibu one day shortly after I had launched Beachy Cream and it struck me: we need Beachy Cream Girls! Like old-fashioned cigarette girls in nightclubs with trays filled with ice cream sandwiches instead of tobacco products, I distinctly remember that impression from movies I watched as a child -- so glamorous and alluring -- kind of like the romantic image I’ll always have of New York City from the 1930s, 40s and 50s – in black and white and men are always in hats.
We had already adopted the pin-up look for our branding, and we were starting to do parties and events, so of course the girls were a natural. They’ve been a hit at every event – (who doesn’t like being served by pretty girls?) so when we opened our first retail location we knew we had to have the Beachy Cream Girls working there too.
So after all this of course we had to do a pin-up calendar using our girls. It proved to be much more difficult than we originally anticipated. We did two shoots – the first one was definitely a learning experience -- trying to get the girls to have the perfect pin-up “attitude”, the costumes, props, sets, hair and make-up. Elizabeth Barr, http://www.elizabethsarahbarr.com/, our official Beachy Cream photographer, and her team were indefatigable, incredibly creative and really captured the essence of the pin-up look, albeit with a modern twist.
The incredibly talented Nicole LaFave of Design Womb, http://designwomb.com/, (who incidentally does all of Beachy Cream’s graphic design and branding) transformed the images into a pinup calendar that we are thrilled to offer both at our store (1209 Wilshire Blvd opening in Spring) and online.