Last week the Beachy Cream Girls debuted their holiday attire, and so far it’s a big hit! I got the inspiration to have them dress up like Radio City Music Hall Rockettes from a story my father, Jack Ryan, inventor of the Barbie Doll told:
When my father was a little boy (back in the 1930’s) his father James Ryan was a prominent builder in New York City, specializing in homes for the rich and famous (Katherine Hepburn and Helen Hayes) as well as lavish store facades and other commercial projects. One of his assignments was at Radio City Music Hall. My father often accompanied his father on these jobs, and while his father was busy working, my father would hide in the orchestra pit and watch the Rockettes rehearsing. From his vantage point far below the stage, the beautiful, high-kicking dancers legs looked a mile long. This was a lot of glamour and excitement for an impressionable young lad, and these images of the long-legged beauties were indelibly inscribed in his imagination. Later he cited it as one of his earliest influences in his development of the Barbie Doll.