Have you heard about the latest dessert craze, the Cronut? It’s a hybrid croissant and doughnut filled with cream and glazed. It started a few weeks ago at Dominique Ansel’s wonderful bakery on Spring Street in New York City, and people are camping out in line to get the limited quantity he makes each day. It’s been so popular there’s reportedly a black market for them with some selling for $50 - $100. That sounds absurd, but I guess those New Yorkers are pretty serious about scoring their desserts.
This got me thinking (often a dangerous exercise – in fact whenever I say to Beth, “I’ve got an idea”, her first response is always, “Oh no, now what?”) But I thought, what if we made some of our ice cream sandwiches using Cronuts instead of cookies? That started my mouth watering, so my pal Julie (who was at the store baking cookies with me today) and I decided to go on a filed trip and look for them. We’d heard a rumor that DK’s Donuts on 16th and Santa Monica Blvd had them, so we jumped in the car and headed over there.
DK’s had about a half a dozen different types including a Maple Bacon Glazed that we just had to try (delicious), but we ended up choosing the cinnamon sugar coated one with no filling – a “plain” Cronut if you will – to take back to Beachy Cream to experiment with. We sliced it in half and had a discussion about what ice cream to pair with it. We decided that just about any flavor would work, but I liked the idea of our Coffee Toffee ice cream because it seemed kind of “breakfasty” to me.
The pairing was amazing. The Cronut was crispy on the outside with soft flaky layers inside, and the cold and creamy Coffee Toffee Ice Cream was just perfect oozing out the sides as we bit into it.
“OMG!”, said everyone who tried it. “You have to make these”!
So now I’m working to find the best croissant dough maker in Los Angeles (because, frankly, do I really want to make the pastry from scratch?). I think I’ve tracked her down. I’ll be heating up some oil in a couple of days to try these out. Stay tuned, or just look for the line down the street when we start serving these up fresh with our ice cream.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Beachy Cream Holiday Ice Cream Flavors
Most people don’t think of ice
cream when they think of winter desserts. In fact, on the east coast many
ice cream shops close during the colder months. But we’re in sunny and
warm (most of the time) California and we want to change those perceptions by offering
a plethora of seasonal holiday ice cream flavors and treats.
Many of you have already tried
The Great Pumpkin ice cream, and just for Thanksgiving we’re using it to create
a delectable Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie. Sweet Pumpkin with all the
traditional spices make this a cool and creamy twist on tradition you usually
find. Nestled in a graham cracker crust, it serves 6 to 8 and of course is 100%
organic. What a fun and unexpected dessert to take and serve at your
holiday gathering. It’s a unique spin on a traditional favorite!
Yesterday we had folks coming in
from the rain to get our Hot Chocolate Affogato – two scoops of your favorite
ice cream swimming in our house-made hot chocolate, topped with whipped
cream. It doesn’t get much better than this.
If you're feeling adventurous,
this week we’ll be adding Eggnog Ice Cream to our roster of holiday
offerings. Sweet, creamy with freshly grated nutmeg and some rum and
brandy, it's an ice cream that will actually WARM your cockles.
Don't know what to bring to that
holiday party? A local, organic, hand-packed pint of our Cranberry Orange
Sorbet is a great alternative to a bottle of wine. It will satisfy your
sweet craving, but still leave room for the rest of that dessert bar...It’s
also a wonderful palate cleanser.
Next week, when everything
shifts into full Christmas mode we’ll start offering our Peppermint Ice Cream.
Imagine the taste of candy canes and you get the picture....this is SURE to get
you in the mood for the holidays! And it’s especially wonderful in a
sundae smothered with our house-made hot fudge.
So, whether you're gearing up
for those Black Friday sales, or planning to spend the holidays with your feet
up on the coffee table (we still love to watch those Charlie Brown holiday
specials!), stop on in to Beachy Cream for a little holiday cheer.
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Hot Chocolate Affogato |
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Pumpkin Ice Cream Pies |
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Cranberry Orange Sorbet |

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Beachy Cream Going to the DOGS
One of my fondest childhood memories is of my mother taking me to Orange Julius in Westwood Village starting when I was about 7 years old. Located inside the Villa Mart grocery at the corner of Broxton and Weyburn (where Stan’s Donuts is now) we’d sit at the little counter on chrome stools and I’d have a hot dog with ketchup and Parmesan cheese and a cold and creamy Orange Julius. It was wonderful.
My summer working at Howard Johnson’s hot dog stand on Cape Cod when I was 16 years old, was one of my inspirations for starting Beachy Cream. I clearly remember being behind the counter, taking orders for hot dogs and fried clams and scooping ice cream (that’s when I learned that some ice creams are harder to scoop than others – chocolate chip was the most difficult). My grandmother would come in almost every day and order a chocolate ice cream soda with coffee ice cream, and then she’d over-tip me. To this day, every time I smell hot dogs cooking it makes me think of summer, the beach and Coppertone Suntan Lotion.
I really, really love hot dogs. It’s hard for me to pass a hot dog cart without indulging. That being said, most will agree that they’re not always the healthiest choice.
Since I’ve been recreating my childhood ice cream memories at Beachy Cream, I’ve decided that the time has come to add hot dogs, and of course, we’re doing it Beachy Cream style. So, starting this Friday, October 26th, you'll be able to sink your teeth into the most delicious 100% organic grass-fed beef hot dogs you've ever had – humanely raised and chemical and antibiotic free.
And to make it really special, we’re offering a choice of buns – organic, gluten-free – and (drum roll please) a custom pretzel bun made especially for us by Rockenwagner Bakery. It’s outtasite! If you’ve tried our pretzel ice cream cones you already know we’re a little obsessed with pretzels!
You can get your dog with chili (house-made with organic grass-fed beef of course), cheese, sauerkraut, and all the usual fixings including our own Beachy Cream Secret Sauce.
We think hot dogs and ice cream go together like summer and the beach and these are the best tasting hot dogs you’ll ever eat.
So if you’re so weary from keeping up with the debates or presidential race that you can’t see straight, come on down and chill out with a chili dog and a root beer float and be grateful that we only have to do this every four years.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Beachy Cream 2013 Pin Up Calendar Coming Soon!
As you can see from this photo, we had so much fun shooting the Beachy Cream 2013 Pin Up Calendar Thursday. Several of our Beachy Cream Girls that appeared in last year’s calendar (Stephanie, Jess, Sarai, Mary Kate, Briana, Christina, Lauren F and Kayla) have returned, and we have four new girls- Susana, Audrey, Lauren A. and Laine. The girls and our production crew, led by our fabulous Beachy Cream photographer Elizabeth Sarah Barr, were amazing and we can’t wait to show you the results.
The purpose of the calendar is to help promote our Beachy Cream brand, and showcase our wonderful Beachy Cream Girls, most of whom work in our ice cream store in Santa Monica, and do parties and events with us. In addition to being lovely to look at, they are all intelligent, hardworking women pursuing careers in acting and modeling as well as working for us. They are a big part of what makes Beachy Cream special, and they bring a sense of fun and nostalgia to the experience.
Anyone who has visited our store or website knows that pin ups are a big part of our branding, and The Art History Archive offers a wonderful history of the pin up starting with the Hellenic goddesses of ancient Greece and progressing through modern times.
“A pin-up girl is a woman whose physical attractiveness would entice one to place a picture of her on a wall. The term was first attested to in English in 1941; however the practice is documented back at least to the 1890s. The “pin up” images could be cut out of magazines or newspapers, or be from postcard or chromo-lithographs, and so on. Such photos often appear on calendars, which are meant to be pinned up anyway. Later, posters of “pin-up girls” were mass-produced.
Many “pin ups” were photographs of celebrities who were considered sex symbols. One of the most popular early pin-up girls was Betty Grable. Her poster was ubiquitous in the lockers of GIs during World War II. Others pin-ups were artwork, often depicting idealized versions of what some thought particularly a beautiful or attractive woman should look like. An early example of the latter type was the Gibson girl, drawn by Charles Dana Gibson. The genre also gave rise to several well-known artists specializing in the field, including Alberto Vargas and George Petty, and numerous lesser artists such as Art Frahm.“
The Beachy Cream 2013 Calendar will be available for purchase in our store at 1209 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403, or you can order them by mail by contacting us at youscream@beachycream.com. Like us on Facebook where we’ll announce the release date and offer special deals for early orders!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Grand Opening - Beachy Cream Ice Cream Santa Monica
We are excited to announce the Grand Opening of our new Beachy Cream Ice Cream Store featuring L.A.'s only 100% organic ice cream this Saturday, June 2nd at 1209 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica at 11 am. There will be a ribbon cutting with the Mayor, a raffle, prizes for best ice cream sandwich creation, Tacomaniaco and Creativeats food trucks, and Beachy Cream Girls!
This is the culmination of a life-long dream for me that started first as a little girl going to Wil Wright's in Westwood Village, and continued when I worked scooping ice cream one summer at Howard Johnson's on Cape Cod when I was 16.
There's just something about ice cream that always makes people happy, and I wanted to be the provider of that experience. But I also wanted it to be special and unique...a treat you could feel good about because it's 100% organic and locally-sourced. And we had to have flavors and combos different from any other, so that's why we created the Ginger Wipeout and Strawberry Surfer Girl ice cream sandwiches, and that's why we make Earl Grey Tea and Bisquits and Fresh Mint Brownie Chunk ice creams. And if you’re a lover of dairy-free and gluten-free we have some special treats just for you. You've just gotta try 'em!
So come on down this Saturday as we Lick, Bite, Smile (repeat)*!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Beachy Cream Pin-up Girl Calendar
I was driving on PCH in Malibu one day shortly after I had launched Beachy Cream and it struck me: we need Beachy Cream Girls! Like old-fashioned cigarette girls in nightclubs with trays filled with ice cream sandwiches instead of tobacco products, I distinctly remember that impression from movies I watched as a child -- so glamorous and alluring -- kind of like the romantic image I’ll always have of New York City from the 1930s, 40s and 50s – in black and white and men are always in hats.
We had already adopted the pin-up look for our branding, and we were starting to do parties and events, so of course the girls were a natural. They’ve been a hit at every event – (who doesn’t like being served by pretty girls?) so when we opened our first retail location we knew we had to have the Beachy Cream Girls working there too.
So after all this of course we had to do a pin-up calendar using our girls. It proved to be much more difficult than we originally anticipated. We did two shoots – the first one was definitely a learning experience -- trying to get the girls to have the perfect pin-up “attitude”, the costumes, props, sets, hair and make-up. Elizabeth Barr, http://www.elizabethsarahbarr.com/, our official Beachy Cream photographer, and her team were indefatigable, incredibly creative and really captured the essence of the pin-up look, albeit with a modern twist.
The incredibly talented Nicole LaFave of Design Womb, http://designwomb.com/, (who incidentally does all of Beachy Cream’s graphic design and branding) transformed the images into a pinup calendar that we are thrilled to offer both at our store (1209 Wilshire Blvd opening in Spring) and online.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Keepin' It Real (Organic)...

Some days we ask ourselves, “Is it really worth it to keep making Beachy Cream Ice Cream (and our cookies and everything else) from 100% organic ingredients?". We want to believe that our competitors who use the word “organic” to promote their products, or say they use some “organic ingredients – whenever possible” have their hearts in the right place by promoting awareness and benefits of going organic (and not just misleading their customers), but alas, it’s not the same as producing a 100% organic product.
As the prices of organic ingredients continue to climb, we do the calculations and we see that we could make so much more money (and lower our prices!) if we substituted conventional ingredients. For a fledgling company this is very tempting, because we need to make money to stay in business! But we can’t do that – because Beachy Cream is committed to 100% organic, and we’re not going to compromise.
When we open our new Beachy Cream full-service ice cream store at 1209 Wilshire in Santa Monica, we will have not only our famous ice cream sandwiches, but also scooped 100% Organic ice cream in 18 amazing flavors that we make everyday at our store.
We are so proud to be Los Angeles' ONLY organic ice cream company!
If you need convincing that it’s important, read this article from Organic.org:
Top 10 Reasons to Support Organic in the 21st Century
Source: Alan Greene, MD ( Organic Trade Association), Bob Scowcroft (Organic Farming Research Foundation), Sylvia Tawse (Fresh Ideas Group)
1. Reduce The Toxic Load: Keep Chemicals Out of the Air, Water, Soil and our Bodies
Buying organic food promotes a less toxic environment for all living things. With only 0.5 percent of crop and pasture land in organic, according to USDA that leaves 99.5 percent of farm acres in the U.S. at risk of exposure to noxious agricultural chemicals.
Our bodies are the environment so supporting organic agriculture doesn’t just benefit your family, it helps all families live less toxically.
2. Reduce if Not Eliminate Off Farm Pollution
Industrial agriculture doesn’t singularly pollute farmland and farm workers; it also wreaks havoc on the environment downstream. Pesticide drift affects non-farm communities with odorless and invisible poisons. Synthetic fertilizer drifting downstream is the main culprit for dead zones in delicate ocean environments, such as the Gulf of Mexico, where its dead zone is now larger than 22,000 square kilometers, an area larger than New Jersey, according to Science magazine, August, 2002.
3. Protect Future Generations
Before a mother first nurses her newborn, the toxic risk from pesticides has already begun. Studies show that infants are exposed to hundreds of harmful chemicals in utero. In fact, our nation is now reaping the results of four generations of exposure to agricultural and industrial chemicals, whose safety was deemed on adult tolerance levels, not on children’s. According to the National Academy of Science, “neurologic and behavioral effects may result from low-level exposure to pesticides.” Numerous studies show that pesticides can adversely affect the nervous system, increase the risk of cancer, and decrease fertility.
4. Build Healthy Soil
Mono-cropping and chemical fertilizer dependency has taken a toll with a loss of top soil estimated at a cost of $40 billion per year in the U.S., according to David Pimental of Cornell University. Add to this an equally disturbing loss of micro nutrients and minerals in fruits and vegetables. Feeding the soil with organic matter instead of ammonia and other synthetic fertilizers has proven to increase nutrients in produce, with higher levels of vitamins and minerals found in organic food, according to the 2005 study, “Elevating Antioxidant levels in food through organic farming and food processing,” Organic Center State of Science Review (1.05)
5. Taste Better and Truer Flavor
Scientists now know what we eaters have known all along: organic food often tastes better. It makes sense that strawberries taste yummier when raised in harmony with nature, but researchers at Washington State University just proved this as fact in lab taste trials where the organic berries were consistently judged as sweeter. Plus, new research verifies that some organic produce is often lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants than conventional food. Let the organic feasting begin!
6. Assist Family Farmers of all Sizes
According to Organic Farming Research Foundation, as of 2006 there are approximately 10,000 certified organic producers in the U.S. compared to 2500 to 3,000 tracked in 1994. Measured against the two million farms estimated in the U.S. today, organic is still tiny. Family farms that are certified organic farms have a double economic benefit: they are profitable and they farm in harmony with their surrounding environment. Whether the farm is a 4-acre orchard or a 4,000-acre wheat farm, organic is a beneficial practice that is genuinely family-friendly.
7. Avoid Hasty and Poor Science in Your Food
Cloned food. GMOs and rBGH. Oh my! Interesting how swiftly these food technologies were rushed to market, when organic fought for 13 years to become federal law. Eleven years ago, genetically modified food was not part of our food supply; today an astounding 30 percent of our cropland is planted in GMOs. Organic is the only de facto seal of reassurance against these and other modern, lab-produced additions to our food supply, and the only food term with built in inspections and federal regulatory teeth.
8. Eating with a Sense of Place
Whether it is local fruit, imported coffee or artisan cheese, organic can demonstrate a reverence for the land and its people. No matter the zip code, organic has proven to use less energy (on average, about 30 percent less), is beneficial to soil, water and local habitat, and is safer for the people who harvest our food. Eat more seasonably by supporting your local farmers market while also supporting a global organic economy year round. It will make your taste buds happy.
9. Promote Biodiversity
Visit an organic farm and you’ll notice something: a buzz of animal, bird and insect activity. These organic oases are thriving, diverse habitats. Native plants, birds and hawks return usually after the first season of organic practices; beneficial insects allow for a greater balance, and indigenous animals find these farms a safe haven. As best said by Aldo Leopold, “A good farm must be one where the native flora and fauna have lost acreage without losing their existence.” An organic farm is the equivalent of reforestation. Industrial farms are the equivalent of clear cutting of native habitat with a focus on high farm yields.
10. Celebrate the Culture of Agriculture
Food is a ‘language’ spoken in every culture. Making this language organic allows for an important cultural revolution whereby diversity and biodiversity are embraced and chemical toxins and environmental harm are radically reduced, if not eliminated. The simple act of saving one heirloom seed from extinction, for example, is an act of biological and cultural conservation. Organic is not necessarily the most efficient farming system in the short run. It is slower, harder, more complex and more labor-intensive. But for the sake of culture everywhere, from permaculture to human culture, organic should be celebrated at every table.
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